After these sessions with Geraldine I tell all me friends to invest in all areas of life because you never know when you will need them.

Geraldine’s Approach to Change Participant

Thought provoking – life changing.

Geraldine’s Approach to Distraction Participant

My mood has improved, I feel in a happier place and I am able to understand why I was having difficulties sleeping. I also now know how to manage periods of not sleeping better – I don’t fight it anymore.

Geraldine’s Approach to Sleep Participant

I now notice when my stress is building to a point where it can cross into burnout I am then able to do something about it. I never recognised before high stress levels I just kept going and going. I do the Stop Gap Go every day as it helps me so much.

NHS Staff Participant

I feel very relaxed compared to when I started. These sessions have helped me to understand the root cause to why I was having difficulty sleeping. Taking steps to still my mind has had a significant impact on my sleep pattern.

Geraldine’s Approach to Sleep Participant

Understanding your mind should be taught to everyone. With training you can bring balance to states of agitation and confusion – life changing for me.

Geraldine’s Approach to Distraction Participant

I have managed to overcome my depression, stop overthinking and sleep better. Thank you for all your help

Geraldine’s Approach to Sleep Participant

The wealth of information and learning experience has been far more that I had expected. It has exceeded expectations and helped me more than I can say. Thank you.

Geraldine’s Approach to Anxiety Participant

Wonderful experience – found it easy to talk and got lots of help. Geraldine is very professional at all times and has a wealth of knowledge with mental health.

NHS Client

My daughter said “I have my mum back now”, I hadn’t realised just how low and stressed I had become. I’m back on track making self-care at the forefront.

Geraldine’s Approach to Stress Participant

I now believe in myself!

Geraldine’s Approach to Trauma Participant

From my first session with Geraldine it was like a light bulb had gone on. I can’t control everything so why am I trying to so. I focussed on what I could control. The Stop Gap Go and other mindfulness strategies have been incredible. Thank you so much.

Geraldine’s Approach to Stress Participant

Before engaging with Geraldine my sleep was horrendous which had a huge impacted on my daily work and home life. I now am able to function better and sleep well.

Geraldine’s Approach to Sleep Participant

Life can be tragic, but we have to go on. Working with Geraldine has given me hope to go on when I had none. I will never forget our work together it has provided me with skills and understanding to manage my anxiety better which has impacted on my ability to sleep better.

Geraldine’s Approach to Sleep Participant

Extremely effective. Feel better in myself, more confident and able to set clear boundaries.

Geraldine’s Approach to Trauma Participant

An amazing journey for me. I have been teaching these mind skills to my children. They have more concentration and balance. Thank you so much.

Geraldine’s Approach to Distraction Participant

It gave me structure and challenged me to reflect on many areas of my life which were so scattered and distracted. The stabilty of mind practices have been revolutionary! Thank you.

Geraldine’s Approach to Trauma Participant

A distracted mind is a vulnerable and frightened mind. I am able to feel calmer and happier in myself. I know how to reduce the cause of distress which is liberating.

Geraldine’s Approach to Distraction Participant

The Stop Gap Go practice has been life changing for me. I feel more relaxed, balanced and sleep better. I will use these techniques forever!

Geraldine’s Approach to Sleep Participant

This programme has been life changing for me. I use the Stop Gap Go practice everyday, it has helped me so much to find inner balance and peace from the mind jumping all over the place.

Geraldine’s Approach to Distraction Participant

I have been able to process my accident and feel better.

Geraldine’s Approach to Trauma Participant

I have suffered depression all my life and now I have found something that works for me. Understanding the mind, how it works and how we can create stability of mind is the key to feeling better. Thank you so much.

NHS Client

I came to see Geraldine when I was under so much pressure at work and realised I was being severely bullied by my manager – I was at breaking point. The Stop Gap Go practice enabled me to develop greater resilience to take stock of what was happening. I did not see it until then. It has been my life saver. Thank you.

Geraldine’s Approach to Stress Participant

Excellent range of materials and tools. Geraldine is very approachable and her depth of knowledge is extensive.

Geraldine’s Approach to Anxiety Participant

The tools I have learnt to still and quieten my mind has been excellent – as a result I sleep much better.

Geraldine’s Approach to Sleep Participant

To Stop Gap Go practice enabled me to see my mind more clearly – I feel more calm and I am much kinder to myself. I do this practice everywhere, at work, on the train, in my garden – its am amazing practice that everyone should be aware of.

NHS Client

I have more awareness, clarity and know how to manage my stress levels now. I feel great. Thank you.

Geraldine’s Approach to Stress Participant

I wanted to make sense of why I was feeling the way I felt, and to feel happier and more content. I have been able to process past trauma events which have been causing me ongoing distress. I am now in a much better place. Thank you.

Geraldine’s Approach to Trauma Participant

Excellent resources and structure. It has brought a new sense of urgency and direction to my life which was not there before. Thank you.

Geraldine’s Approach to Distraction Participant

I have better self-awareness, feel more relaxed and feel more in control of my life thanks to Geraldine’s support. Thank you so much.

Geraldine’s Approach to Anxiety Participant

Understanding my mind and how trauma is triggerd has helped me so much. The stability of mind practice has helped to reduce my stress and anxiety which has stopped my regular panic attacks.

Geraldine’s Approach to Trauma Participant

I have always thought I was stupid – I could never concentrate for long. I now know why and I am able now to concentration and focus better”. Thank you so much.

Geraldine’s Approach to Distraction Participant

Lots of indepth materials, things to consider and practically apply. Her teaching is exceptional.

Geraldine’s Approach to Anxiety Participant

I have always battled with my sleep. I now know that battling with sleep only makes it worse. These sessions have provided me with great skills and understanding. Thank you.

Geraldine’s Approach to Sleep Participant

I have found the tools I needed at a very difficult time in my life. Many thanks.

NHS Client

My work with Geraldine has given me understanding of how the brain responds to trauma. This has enabled me to work with ongoing triggers which have caused me such distress. I still get triggered, from time to time, but I do not have a fully blown panic attacks anymore. Thank you.

NHS Client

I have found the breathing and grounding practices very useful to still the mind. The body scan practice was excellent, allowing me to notice I was actually holding so much tension and stress tin the body.

Geraldine’s Approach to Depression Client

The Stop Gap Go and other guided recordings Geraldine has shared with me have worked well to still my mind and be able to connect with sleep again.

Geraldine’s Approach to Sleep Participant

I have found the Stop Gap Go technique invaluable which I will continue to do forever. It is an excellent tool to steady the mind and actually see what it there – you can then do something about it.

Geraldine’s Approach to Depression Client

I feel more calm and in control – I have my life back.

Geraldine’s Approach to Stress Participant

Thank you so much Geraldine. You have saved me in many ways. I have felt so understood and you have allowed me to be myself. I am grateful for all our sessions, advice and the skills you have taught me in particular in relation to my sleep. I now understand it better and able to work better it with. The audio recording was excellent!

Geraldine Approach to Sleep Participant

The work I have done with Geraldine has made a huge difference to my everyday working and functioning life and I am sure that I will now live longer because I now see things through calmer eyes and prevent myself suffering.

Geraldine’s Approach to Anxiety Participant

I used to say “I thrive on stress”, but not now. Toxic stress, if not recognised, is a silent killer.

NHS Staff Client

My mental health and wellbeing has greatly improved

Individual Client

It has helped me adjust to some difficult experiences which were impacting severly on my health and wellbeing.

Geraldine’s Approach to Trauma Participant

My stress levels had got to such a level I simply burned out. It was as though I had gone head long into a brick wall and I had to stop. With Geraldine’s support and the skills I have learned I am now back at work but with greater self-awareness and making sure I self-care and find time for me.

Geraldine’s Approach to Stress Participant

Understanding the process of my mind has enable me to accept myself better. I am less self-critical and fearful.

Geraldine’s Approach to Distraction Participant

These sessions have really helped me to understand my mind and why I could not concentrate well. It felt stupid to feel this way but I couldn’t help it, and found myself crying all the time. With Geraldine’s help I feel more in control of my mind.

Geraldine’s Appoach to Distraction Participant

Using the mindfulness and breathing techniques everyday have helped me to be less frustrated when things do not go how I had expected. Geraldine’s knowledge and experience of mindfulness is second to none!

NHS Client

I have found the mindfulness aspects of Geraldine’s work invaluable for me to manage my levels of anxiety better. It has also given me a different perspective on life. Thank you so much.

NHS Client

I feel that I have great skills now to move forward. I now recognise and understand that we will have ups and downs – its part of life. I used to get so down and create more down and depression thoughts – I no longer do this. The Stop Gap Go is amazing.

NHS Client

I never knew about toxic stress before my work with Geraldine. I thought all stress was stress but now I am able to reduce the toxic debilitating stress and cultivate the positive stress which gives me a real sense of being in control of my life which is amazing.

Geraldine’s Approach to Stress Participant

Helped me to bring my thoughts back, to see the importance of self-care and to notice more things. It helped me to be less critical and hard on myself and it has helped me to remain calm during difficult conversations and not to worry so much about what others think. The mind practices have been invaluable to me.

Geraldine’s Approach to Anxiety Participant

It has made me stop and look at my life in a different way, my stress levels have reduced significantly.

NHS Staff Participant

Excellent. I felt listened to and understood. The mindfulness and understanding the mind has been life changing for me. Excellent resources, audio and notes. Very caring and extremely relevant. I have learnt some great life skills which I will be carrying forward. Thank you.

Geraldine’s Approach to Depression Client

Working with Geraldine has been a fantastic journey for me. I now think differently and relate to my thoughts in a very different way. I do not let them engulf me and carry me off down familiar negative pathways. I know these thoughts are just the voice of depression speaking which is liberating.

Geraldine’s Approach to Depression Participant

I have learnt exercises and ways to deal with certain situations that trigger panic from past trauma. The Stop Gap Go and Geraldine unique approach has given me the life skills to move forward.

Geraldine’s Approach to Trauma Participant

I have suffered from depression on and off for years, at times it has been hell on earth for me. The work I have done with Geraldine has given me the tools to manage depression if it strikes again. Everybody should have these skills they are lifesavers. I can’t thank you enough.

Geraldine’s Approach to Depression Client

I have found this excellent. Understanding the mind gives you a sense of what depression is – a mindstate that can be worked with.

Geraldine’s Approach to Depression Client